Sunday, September 23, 2007

First Post!

Assalaamo Alaykum,

I am really surprised at myself for starting this blog because I never usually voice my thoughts to the public, let alone post them on the internet for the whole world to see! But inshallah I am hoping this blog will be beneficial to me at a personal level. Right now, I look back on events in my life..and I wonder what exactly I was feeling at that given time. I feel it'll be an incredible experience looking back through my old posts months and years from now. I really don't expect anyone to ever read this "blog" (haha still not used to saying that name) but if you are reading this, feel free to leave comments.

And before I forget, Ramadan Kareem to all of you! May Allah swt accept our ibadah, purify our souls and forgive our sins.

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